RFP (Request For Proposal) Process

Request For Proposal

When it comes to procuring consulting services, there is a very specific process that should be followed. This helps ensure the client receives the best value for their money and allows the consultants to compete on equal footing.

Determine the scope of work and create a project brief

The first step in the RFP process is determining the scope of work and creating a project brief.

The main function of this step is to define the problem before starting on a solution. To do that, it’s important to set goals before you start working—not only for yourself but also for your client. It’s tempting to think about what other people want from you, but don’t worry about them too much; focus on yourself instead of trying to please everyone else. Be ambitious, but stay realistic: if you’re going to achieve tangible fitness goals in 3-6 months (running two miles without stopping), then that should be what’s driving your attention and efforts during this phase.

Convene a meeting to discuss the project and determine the best ways to engage consultants

This is a meeting of the stakeholders for the project and the consultants who will be asked to respond to the RFP. Before you schedule this meeting, make sure that all parties are clear on how long it should take and how much time they will be expected to contribute. It’s also helpful if you can get an idea of who will be in attendance. This ensures that everyone knows what to expect when they show up for the meeting and helps with making sure that no one is left out or feels like they’re being ignored during discussions.

In addition, consider where this meeting should take place; it may not make sense (or be possible) for everyone involved in this project to attend an in-person meeting at your company’s headquarters or some other location near them. If you think about these things ahead of time, then it’ll allow everyone involved to better plan their schedules accordingly without worrying about missing anything important because someone forgot about a critical date/time/location change!

Issue RFP and distribute to pre-qualified consultants

After you and your team have decided on the project, it’s time to issue an RFP. What’s that? An RFP is a request for proposal: a formal document sent out to potential vendors/consultants who might be able to complete the job in question. The goal of issuing an RFP is to find someone who can do what you need to be done, within your budget and timeframe while also providing excellent customer service, answering all of your questions promptly, etc.

A good place (or several) to start looking for a consultant is our database of pre-qualified experts; these consultants have been verified as having the skills needed for your project, so there won’t be any surprises down the line if we end up working together on this one!

You should send out at least three invitations with due date reminders every week until you receive responses from at least three potential candidates or until you’re almost positive no one else will respond before then – whichever comes first! Once all responses are received by your team members, they should then begin comparing costs between each one so that everyone knows how much money they’ll need when asking around town about who would be interested in taking this job off their hands.”

Consultants Respond

Consultants will have a chance to respond to the RFP. They will submit proposals that include prices and services. The proposal should also describe how they intend to meet the final client requirements, including any special expertise they may possess in certain areas (e.g., project management).

The consultant’s credentials will be evaluated based on their experience, qualifications, and references.

Review applications for evaluation against criteria, conduct interviews

In the RFP process, you will review applications for evaluation against criteria and conduct interviews to determine who is best qualified to complete the job.

After your firm has created an RFP template, it’s time to find out who wants the gig. You’ll do this by sending out a request for proposals (RFP) that details what your organization needs in terms of a consultant or contractor.

You’ll have applicants submit their qualifications and rates through an online portal or email, but there are still ways you can dig into their backgrounds before deciding which ones should move on to the next stage of consideration: conducting interviews with potential candidates.

Finalize contract and issue work order or purchase order

After you’ve gone through the RFP process, you will be ready to finalize your contract and issue a work order or purchase order. Your contract should include the scope of work, deliverables, payment schedule, and other details. The work order or purchase order should include details on the work to be done by the vendor and any payment terms that apply to your project.


A takeaway is a summarized version of your pitch, written in the voice of the buyer. It helps you keep track of what you’ve said in your proposal and gives you a shot at presenting your project from a different angle.

Takeaways are also helpful for anyone who doesn’t have time to read through all of your proposals—they can quickly scan the takeaway and get an idea of what you’re proposing.

Here’s how it works: You’ll write one or more takeaways based on the questions asked by each buyer. Each takeaway should answer one question at a time and should be written so that they’re easy to read quickly, with no more than 5-7 sentences per question (total).


It’s important to remember that this process is not entirely linear and may overlap in some instances. For example, you might need to revise your scope of work after reviewing pre-qualified submissions. In other cases, the evaluation process could take longer than expected due to unforeseen circumstances or complications that arise during interviews with candidates who meet your qualifications. We hope these tips will help guide you through this process and make it less daunting!

Check out rfp process from Design Rush.

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